Outdoor Sling Repair Service

Custom Sling (Mesh) Outdoor Furniture Repair

Slings generally wear out before the body of the outdoor furniture they go on. Cloth parts typically last 7-10 years depending on your use, outdoor conditions, and the care they receive. Our outdoor sling repair service can replace the sling or mesh on your outdoor furniture to extend its life, revitalize the look, and save 30-50% of your money if you were to replace the piece of furniture instead.

Torn slings are not repairable. They are made of material that gains its durability from the stretch found in the fabric. There is no practical way to mend the fabric to restore it to its natural look and feel. Fortunately, replacement slings are available and the overall product can be saved. We offer over 80 custom cut slings which are made to fit nearly all manufacturers and our outdoor furniture repair service includes the installation of your new replacement sling.

Some manufacturers offer free replacement slings with the purchase of their product. If you have slings and are just looking for the installation, please contact us. Check out the results of our outdoor furniture repair service in the before and after pictures below.IMG_1660

Here is a list of fabrics that we offer

(Click on the fabric for a larger view)

Group 1

augustine_espresso augustine_fennel augustine_gravel augustine_moss augustine_nutmeg augustine_pearl augustine_pebble augustine_pecan augustine-alloy augustine-amethyst augustine-ashe augustine-denim (1) augustine-fawn augustine-golden augustine-marine augustine-pear augustine-pewter bossa-nova-graphite burlap delray_stripe_poolside destiny_sand destiny_walnut dupione_sapphire elevation_stone ferndance forest_cafe frontier-everglade grasscloth_bronze holly_green_plus lanigan lattice_greystone martinque mozambique myrtle navy_pier off_white_solid pulse_dahlia  raleigh_stripe_willow royal_cafesaylor_stripe_sepia  sea_breeze sisal_aluminum skyline_str_verdeterrace_sienna  trixie_stripe_myrtle tweed_indigo valencia_bluewhite_solid


Group 2 (+$5)

bellingrathcane_wicker_desert  cane_wicker_platawatercolor_tweed_pearlycane_wicker_turquesa charm_driftwoodcharm_glacier charm_indigo dresden_stone echo_valley_sadat greek_key_lattice luna_silver_sage napa_brindle wc_tweed_mocha

Replacement Sling Products


Click Here to order Replacement Slings